Feeling fizzled out. It's my lunch break now. I delayed taking a lunch break at noon my regular time, and soon it became too late to go out and get something to eat.Contributing to the fizzlement I am in.
I am frustrated about a circumstance at work. Let me tell you I am strarting to realize I generally get frustrated when I am not perfect. I want to do everything right. So not possible.
For the past couple of years I have been reading Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, off and on, and I just couldn't come up with a mission statement. I was able to list all of my goals, but a goal is not a mission statement. A mission statement is an anchor that steers you on a course to reach you goals. Finally I do have a mission statment- Progress Not Perfection.
I still want to be perfect.
Perfect Mother
Perfect Wife
Perfect Employee
Perfect Volunteer
Perfect Martial Artist
Not only that, I want to do everything perfect. Can't be done, but I still want to do it.
Right now and the rest of my work day, I am going to try and focus on my accomplishments. My laziness and stubborness cries out, oh don't do that, and if I listen, I know I won't feel any better.
Please humor me while I complete this task:
Career Woman
Mother of 10 year old, and soon to be 19 year old
Married for 17+ years
Orange Master in Tae Kwon Do, will test for Black Belt in 2012
Good Friend
Well Lunch is over and work beckons, and looking at my list I feel better
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