I want to thank Franklin's Pharmacy for having my prescription at a deeply discounted price. I was experiencing much anxiety as I did not have any more medication and neither did I insurance to pay for my $200 medication. On our way to Walmart to purchase five days worth of medication, we stopped at Franklin's on a whim, and it was only $40.00. I had noticed the symptoms of my old friend, Bipolar, creeping up on me, insomnia, irritability, anger, and I was getting really afraid that I was beginning to tip the scales towards mania. On top of that, I had been to see my doctor and he said that I was hypomanic. I have already learned in the past to trust him. I am so thankful that I was able to get the medication I need.
Even though I have my medication, I am still watching my symptoms. Also to help me track my moods I have been using Optimism online. It can be used online, and on your IPhone, with no syncing. Check it out....https://www.optimismonline.com/login.php.
There has been a lot of changes in my life, and I have been having difficulty setting up a routine. I am currently working at home. I have a writing and editing business. I have a few clients, but I need to work to acquire more.When I am relaxing, I feel like I should be working. When I am working, I feel like I should be playing with my daughter. Also when I am working or relaxing I feel like I should be cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, or playing with my daughter. I am fighting the voice of failure.
The fact of the matter I can write and edit very well, and I know there are companies or clients that need assistance with writing and editing and I don't know how to find them, yet.
On a good note, something peculiar happened to me. I was in the basement one evening waiting for the washing machine to finish. I pulled out a box full of old letters and cards, and I found so many from my mother. I have not written much about my mother because I was very conflicted about our relationship. Especially, after I had my own daughter 11 years ago, and realized how flawed I am. Or should I say that every mother makes mistakes. Furthermore, that my daughter was going to put my actions and mistakes under a microscope, just as I had done my mother's actions. As I read the cards and letter, I just melted. In those cards and letters she told me how much she loved me and how wonderful, special, and talented I am. So I wrote her an email, and we have been communicating on a regular basis.
I have to admit that I am very isolated. I have no car. I have not invited friends over even though I have intended to do so. Very rarely do I call friends or family, and hardly anybody calls me. They probably think I don't want to talk to them. Since I am no longer in Taekwondo, I don't see all my friends from there. I sit in this house, day after day, waiting for my husband to come home. I think about the things I could do outside the house, but when I think about walking downtown, I just forget the idea. But living like I live is not cutting it. But what do I change and what do I change first because with Bipolar all changes should be done in moderation?
About Me

- Kara J. Fallucco
- This is me. I don't really know how else to say it. Well who am I? I am a passionate person. Sometimes I have I little problem identifying boundaries. Or divulging too much. Hence the title of my blog -The Real Me: No Holding Back I am sort of like an overflowing cup. Sometimes my cup overflows with glorious beautiful bubbles. Other times it's loud popping bubbles of rage. Or sometimes I just fizzle out or get all mixed up. If you want the real me, if you want honesty, frankness, raw emotions, and thoughts read my blog. It will be well worth your while.
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