This is a post I began after being released from the psychiatric ward late this summer. I went through a horrifying experience of my throat, tongue, and mouth swelling up. This swelling caused a 5 day hospitalization on the general ward. To relieve the swelling I was given steroids which resulted in a bout of mania, and a hospitalization in the psychiatric ward...
September 2011
Running with scissors...maybe that is what they thought we would do.
While I was in the hospital all I could find to write with was a nub of a pencil and crayons.It amazing the freedoms we take for granted.Writing on this computer is such a privledge. Somethings we take advanatage of so much. I really wanted to take this time. To talk about these things while they are fresh. A wise social worker told me just because I was in the ward didn't mean I was no longer well that I just needed some help. I needed to slow some things done and help myself, not my daughter, me. His wisdom really shined through as I was crying. I was here for me, and there is no shame in getting help.
About Me

- Kara J. Fallucco
- This is me. I don't really know how else to say it. Well who am I? I am a passionate person. Sometimes I have I little problem identifying boundaries. Or divulging too much. Hence the title of my blog -The Real Me: No Holding Back I am sort of like an overflowing cup. Sometimes my cup overflows with glorious beautiful bubbles. Other times it's loud popping bubbles of rage. Or sometimes I just fizzle out or get all mixed up. If you want the real me, if you want honesty, frankness, raw emotions, and thoughts read my blog. It will be well worth your while.
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